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"the Jo-ster welcomes you to his blog... thanks for visiting!"


"Eph 4:29 Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. these are my words... my thoughts... the cry of my heart...


decisions and life choices... 8.2.08 |

i asked a certain question to the youth group i was handling before...

the question i asked them was, "what is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning..." have you ever asked the same thing?

the answers i got were so varied... from well thought of ones to really silly ones...

the answer to this is, MAKING DECISIONS...

when you wake up you decide whether to get up and go... or stay and sleep for another five minutes...


every day from the moment we wake up till the moment we sleep... each moment we ALWAYS decide...

some decisions are menial, while some are life altering...

some decisions are well accepted, others are not...

for those of you who know me,knows that i do my best not to hurt people... specially ones dear to me... i would put myself in harms way before i even think of hurting others...

today, i made some decisions... not easy ones if i may add...

the result of which may hurt someone... someone,truly dear...


no apologies... no regret... i am not moved by what men might say... "well played!!!" someone says... whatever people think or say,my decision stays...

the joster says this...

he who has EARS,LISTEN...


Bouncing baby Bennet!(hope got the spelling right!) 23.1.08 |

here are the pictures of the newest member of the luna family... we dropped by just awhile ago to their place to see the baby! so adorable the little guy!!!

the brothers luna
kuya bernard!!!
the new little guy!!!

awww.... ain't he just adorable??!!

well done arnelli and ate frauline!!!

a notice... 11.1.08 |

to my beloved blog-mates... as you can see i remade my blog... i really hope you like it... if you are looking for my cbox and my archives... click the on the "pull string" and it will slide down...

i changed my blogs name as well... from the ego-centric title of "iJoster" to what really this blog is about... how from the abundance of my heart, it overflows here... here is where my "soul speaks", hence the new title... will post my next entry soon...

iJoster, thank you... read on...

just a random entry... 8.1.08 |

i really wanna recap my year... i even tried to make my own list of "i did this and did that in 2007"...

but when i really think through it all,the last year was not really about what my achievements were,(thought i believe through his grace i have done a lot!!!) nor was it about my experiences... in reality... as far as i can recall last year was a time in my life where i felt like i was closest to God than i ever was...

he has constantly stood beside me and at times carried me on his shoulders when i couldn't go on...

this past year, i could easily say i had the most ordeals so far,but i would much rather boast that my God has been the source of my strength and my joy to have kept me chug'n like a good trooper...

he has guided me with decision all year 'round... where i am now is because his words are like a lamp upon my feet and a light unto my path...

i have learned a lot this past year... (and STILL 'am learning this year)
about myself and which paths i am supposed to take...
about my father in heaven whom i joyfully serve and his plans for me...
i have learned how to be swift in listening and slow in speaking...
and most importantly to trust him completely no matter what i see,FULL STOP!!!

this is a one shot, just straight thru, "typing like a machine" entry(sorry for the typos...), but am kinda runnin' outta "blog ammo"...
i just got this sudden eagerness to blog at lemme look at my watch... half-past 3 in the morning...

i should end this really...

its getting long my buddies...

so now the jo-ster says this...

we are CREATED for a CAUSE...
and no matter what CIRCUMSTANCES we face,
those CIRCUMSTANCES will never hinder us from

this maybe late... but at this rate, i wont hesitate... 2008 is gonna be great... its the year to dominate!!! holler if you hear me!!!

BOOKS 27.12.07 |

an outpour... 2.11.07 |

it has been a-while since i have last posted anything here if am not mistaken it might have been since last august...

i guess i havent posted alot cause i think i was having too much "online" time than i should... the "world wide web" (the internet as we all so familiarly call it) and myself have had a love hate relationship for the longest time...


my last relationship was maintained and was ended (OUCH!) online...

i have kept in contact with a close friend when she was here and while she was back at her country thru msn and yahoo...

wow! hehehe!

whats sad is, at some point i feel like i can express myself better thru IM's than in person (am really working to get back my people skills!!!)...

so there... well that was a prequel to my formal blog...

so ok here i go...

i turned 27 last september 9... how can i say it.... i had a great time,it was a sunday and the church's album was released...

but to be honest, at the end of the day... i felt left alone... (hold yer breath people this is gonna turn into a tear-jerker in a minute!)

i remember looking forward to that day last november... i was awaiting my visa application result from the british embassy... i said to myself... "probably on my 27th birthday i'll be in england and happily married working as a youth pastor for this church"...
how things have turned to the opposite...

i want everyone to understand that, i aint a "phony" nor am i being "plastic" when i laugh or smile... i genuinely am happy, i really am...

i think a sunday school song describes it best... it goes,
"...with Christ as my vessel i can smile at the storm, until he sails me home..."
i belive God has given me this ability to just smile and laugh and show no sign of sorrow in public...

but when i get home the song kinda changes... a familiar song starts playing and goes...
".....they dont know,that i come running home when i fall down... they dont know who picks me up when no one is around..."


well after a fantastic pep talk the other day (thanks babe! and oh,you SHOULD start reading my blog!!!!) and lots of meditation of the word...

i have finally understood everything perfectly and had come to the realization that i am where God intended me to be... that i am in his perfect will... that i am walking daily in his loving grace... in him i am COMPLETE!!!

dont get me wrong folks, i still want to get married (i have moved on!) and i know i am gonna get married to the person God has made specifically and specially for me... i could even elaborate more on it, i dont want to start kindling gossip but yes i am praying for someone... ENOUGH SAID! CHANGING TOPIC... ;)

well i think this post has "made up" for "lost time"...

to cap it all off...

the Jo-ster says this...

"patience is a virtue...
virtue is a grace...
but only His grace is more that enough for me!"

just felt like sharing! 24.8.07 |

at church there has been a fad about prison break and its 3rd season... everyone wants to know what happens! well i found the first 17 minutes season 3's 1st episode titled "ORIENTACION"


click here


the link has been removed by the site due to intellectual property right infringements...

whatta shame... :(

Jo-ster speaks...

i am blameless... i'am the Lord's master piece... i am saved by grace through faith... i am ever increasing, and never decreasing... i am swift to listen and slow to speak... from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh... i belive therefore... i speak... i am Jo-ster
